designed to activate

Jeremy Allen Miller is a multidimensional designer who utilizes GeoAlchemy to activate your inner wisdom, pleasure, and creativity.

active passive house

A new model home. Inspired by my travels to Peru and living in earthen structures. A net zero energy, toxin-free, GeoAlchemy home.

Designed to activate your creativity, pleasure, and inner wisdom. Explore a new domestic.


  • Activate a new potential in your space. Customized designs to awaken your inner wisdom, pleasure, and creativity.

  • Discover where you are out of balance, and receive a custom mandala designed to activate your inner sacred geometry.

  • Join me on a sacred site activation. Bring clarity to confusion, activate inspiration for your life.


Upcoming events

  • Summer Solstice @ The Great Circle

    06.20 @ 6p

    Join me at the Great Circle for a Solstice Activation.

activate the magic within

Embark on a journey of creativity and inspiration. Let your multidimensional nature shine through. Together we’ll craft spaces that resonate with energy and vibrance.