earth Domes
“Earth turns to gold in the hands of the wise.” - Rumi
Our earth dome project was born out of the collaboration of Nick Stevens and Jeremy Miller. Nick and Jeremy reconnected at a photo shoot for the Strawberry Fox salon. On set, they shared their passion for earthen structures and bringing them to their homelands of central Ohio.
Why Earth domes?
Living in earthen structures in Peru had a profound impact on Jeremy. During his time inhabiting earthen homes his sleep, vitality, and creativity were greatly enhanced. Experiencing these benefits directly inspired him to create earthen structures to his native Ohio.
Designed to activate your inner wisdom, creativity, and enjoyment of life by utilizing GeoAlchemy design principles, these structures become allies and partners in living beautiful, harmonic, creative lives.

Earth Bag Building was developed by architect Nader Khalili and termed Super Adobe at Cal-Earth. Nick studied and completed workshops at Cal-Earth and went on to build these structures in France.
We will utilize Earth Bag Building for our earth domes.
Hallmarks Earth Bag Building
EcoLux - ecological luxury
Stability - designed to withstand the rigorous structural requirements for earthquakes in California
Beauty - elegant arched forms and sacred geometry, the structure becomes sculpture
Adaptability - earth can be used from a wide variety of climates
The Seed Structure
We’re looking for a partner to invest in the first seed structure.
We require land to build the first structure - a 12' earthen dome with wood roof. Space on site to build, share meals, and camp at night.
We will construct the first dome August 02 -September 16 2024, and celebrate its completion with a ceremony for the Fall Equinox. Building will happen Fri-Mon.
The initial dome will be created with a seed money investment. As the investor, you receive this dome on your land for your personal use, and catalyze the creation of future domes. The base dome is fully customizable. Add windows, seating, landscaping, interior finishes, whatever you desire.